
VersionGit is a tool for managing the version number of Python modules, removing the need to update an embedded version string whenever a Git tag is made, and providing sensible development version numbers too. It does this by storing a single file in the source repo that reads the version from git describe or git archive keywords. At build time, this file is modified in the distribution to contain a static version number to be used in preference to this. This tool is inspired by versioneer, but has a vastly reduced feature set so that the code stored in each module is minimal.

How it works

The commandline versiongit tool can be used to place a in your repository. This produces a sensible PEP440 compliant version number accessible as yourmodule.__version__. The two ways it gets this information are documented below.

From Git

At development time when running from a Git repository, the git describe command is used to work out the version number of the module. If the module is on a tag, the version name will just be the tag name, otherwise it will be suffixed with the number of commits since a tag and the sha1. This __version__ variable can then be imported into your module namespace with a from _version_git import __version__ statement in the top level

digraph from_git { bgcolor=transparent node [fontname=Arial fontsize=10 shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#f54d27"] edge [fontname=Arial fontsize=10 arrowhead=vee] vgv [label="yourmodule._version_git.__version__"] vg [label="yourmodule._version_git.get_version_from_git"] Git v [label="yourmodule.__version__"] vgv -> vg [label="get_version_from_git()"] vg -> Git [label="describe --tags ..."] Git -> vg [label="0.1-3-gabc1234"] vg -> vgv [label="0.1+3.abc1234"] vgv -> v [label="0.1+3.abc1234"] }

Static Version

There are two times when we can’t get the version number from git:

  1. When running from a source archive produced by a git archive command
  2. When running from an installed sdist, egg or wheel

To handle the first case, contains a GIT_REFS variable that will be substituted by the git archive command. This will contain the tag name among other things.

For the second case, contains some command classes that can be used in when creating an sdist, bidst_egg or bdist_wheel. These command classes substitute the GIT_REFS variable in the distribution, replacing it with the static version from Git.

Both cases produce a that computes the version number from GIT_REFS rather than from a git command:

digraph static_version { bgcolor=transparent node [fontname=Arial fontsize=10 shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#f54d27"] edge [fontname=Arial fontsize=10 arrowhead=vee] vgv [label="yourmodule._version_git.__version__"] vga [label="yourmodule._version_git.GIT_REFS"] vg [label="yourmodule._version_git.get_version_from_git"] v [label="yourmodule.__version__"] vgv -> vg [label="get_version_from_git()"] vga -> vg [label="tag: 0.1"] vg -> vgv [label="0.1"] vgv -> v [label="0.1"] }


To install the latest release, type:

pip install versiongit

You can then use the commandline versiongit tool to install a into the python module you wish to version:

versiongit repo/modulename

This will create repo/modulename/ and tell you what to put in repo/, repo/modulename/ and repo/.gitattributes to make it work

Version Numbers

Version numbers are taken from the git tag. These tags must be of the format [0-9]*[-.][0-9]* and dashes will be converted to dots. E.g.:

  • 0.1
  • 4.3b3
  • 3-4 (converted to 3.4)

Tags not of this format will be ignored.

Version numbers are of the formats:

Version Number Meaning
TAG On a git tag, so is a released version TAG
TAG+DISTANCE.gHASH[.dirty] DISTANCE commits since released version TAG, with the last commit being HASH. If dirty, then uncommitted changes have been made to the source tree
0.0+untagged.gHASH[.dirty] Cannot find a previous tag. The last commit is HASH. If dirty, then there are uncommitted changes
0.0+unknown Cannot determine version from git